With the rapid development of technology, many different innovation steps are seen in the field of dentistry. Experts continue to work on oral and dental health and strive to develop the best solutions to patients’ dental problems. Although tooth loss is prevented by certain treatment processes such as fillings and root canals, the problem of missing teeth has increased considerably today.
Missing teeth can cause serious problems for patients, both in terms of health and cosmetics. At this point, with the developing technology, implant treatment has been developed in the field of dentistry, which makes patients very happy. Implant application has emerged as an alternative to bridge and prosthesis, and better results are obtained from both applications.
What is an Implant?
The implant, which is frequently preferred in dentistry, is known as a titanium screw placed in the jawbone to replace the missing tooth. These screws are long-lasting and fully compatible with the human body.
Implant treatment is performed by placing a dental prosthesis on screws.
The most important advantage of implant treatment over alternative solutions is that it does not cause any damage to adjacent teeth. During the implant period, there is no need to cut adjacent teeth, as in the case of a bridge.
Titanium screws, which are preferred in implant treatment, serve as tooth roots, and it is known that people can eat, talk and laugh easily after prosthetic teeth are added. At this point, in dental implant surgery, tooth roots are replaced with titanium screws and life-like, close-to-natural prostheses are placed in place of the missing teeth. Dental implants are a very good alternative for those who do not want to lose their neighboring teeth and are considered much more reliable than the traditional bridge method.
When is Implant Treatment Applied?
Today, dental implants are preferred by many people who have missing teeth problems. At this point, anyone who wants to replace their teeth with more natural and healthy prostheses can have a healthy smile with implants, compared to applications such as bridges, where they lose their neighboring teeth. So, when is implant treatment applied?
Implant treatment is often preferred by patients who have lost a single tooth and do not want to lose their neighboring teeth for a single tooth. At this point, if the bone in the area where the implant will be placed is sufficient, the implant screw is placed immediately and the treatment is completed by adding a prosthetic tooth to the single tooth area.
- Complete or Partial Edentlessness
In case of multiple tooth loss or no natural teeth remaining in the mouth, implant application is performed and prostheses are applied to the missing tooth areas of the person. These prostheses can be fixed or mobile. However, fixed dentures are longer-lasting and safer than fixed dentures because they are fully screwed to the implants.
Implants can also be preferred for congenital or acquired jaw and facial problems. Implant treatment for the relevant problem not only gives people an aesthetic appearance, but also eliminates the problem.
Missing teeth often causes osteoporosis in patients over time. In case of osteoporosis, implant treatment cannot be applied to patients immediately. At this point, before implant treatment, some bone graft is added to the areas where people experience osteoporosis, and implant treatment is applied after the bone filler heals.
- When Not Using a Removable Prosthesis
Most of the time, patients mention that removable dentures are cumbersome and expire in a short time. For this reason, the implant method will often be the best alternative for patients who do not want to use a removable prosthesis.
How is Implant Treatment Performed?
People who will experience implant treatment for the first time often ask how the application will be carried out. Before starting the procedure, a detailed examination and x-rays are performed by dentists. During this detailed examination, measurements of the jaw bones and remaining teeth are taken.
Implant treatments can be applied with two different options. In the first option, the implant is placed in a single stage and then temporary caps are attached. In two-stage implants, after the dental implant placement, the gum is closed and left to heal for a while. Then prosthetic heads are placed.
In both options, a healing period of 3 months is generally determined for the lower jaw and 6 months for the upper jaw. In some cases, new teeth can be attached immediately using dental implants. In this way, the patient can eat freely and perform daily activities such as speaking without suffering from toothlessness.
At What Ages Can Implants Be Applied?
Nowadays, the issue of age for implant treatment is frequently brought up. It is generally said that implants can be applied to people of all ages. However, in young people, it is necessary to wait for bone development to be completed. Completion of bone age corresponds to the age of 16-17 in girls and refers to the age of 18 in boys.
There is no age limit for adults to have implants. Any adult with good general health can easily start implant treatment. However, older people need implants more, as tooth loss and loss of jaw bones are much more common.
What Does Implant Success Depend on?
It is also known that in some cases, implants fail due to various factors. At this point, for the implant to be successful, patients must have good general health, correct diagnoses, and good oral and dental hygiene before and after the implant. It is also essential for dentists to choose the most suitable prosthesis in a personalized way, taking into account the expectations of the patients.
In addition, factors that are not caused by the application and may arise from external factors can also reduce the success of implants. The most important of these is excessive smoking or alcohol consumption. It is observed that the implants do not work in people who smoke and consume excessive alcohol and reapplications are required. With all this, a success rate of 90%-100% is generally given for implants.
What are the Situations When Implants Are Not Suitable?
In some cases, experts state that implant application should not be performed at all. At this point, since these disorders affect the general health of the person, implant application may be risky for the people concerned. These problems are mainly stated as heart diseases, rheumatism diseases, diabetes, incompatibility in the jaw bone, not being susceptible to surgical procedures, and situations in which the patient cannot maintain oral health after the procedure.
For this reason, implants must be applied with necessary checks for general health. Otherwise, irreversible consequences may occur for patients. At this point, you can contact your dentist and give information about your general health condition and get the clearest information about implant application from your dentist.