Root canal treatment is a frequently preferred practice in the field of dentistry. However, since it is known to be a painful process, most patients postpone the treatment process for a long time. However, with modern systems and treatment techniques, it can be said that the root canals are completely removed in one or two sessions and the procedures are painless. This shows that, contrary to popular belief, the treatment can be completed completely painlessly.
Although general pain is not felt after root canal treatment, it may be thought that the painful areas are infected. It is also known that the doctor performs certain procedures in order to clear the infection in the area.
Root canal treatment is performed by dentists to eliminate pain by completely healing the painful areas. The treatment begins with anesthetizing the tooth to be treated along with the surrounding tissues in a single session and is completed in approximately 45 minutes. By avoiding root canal treatment, patients can worsen conditions that they could have overcome in a single session. Moreover, postponing it will lead to bone and tooth loss in a short time.
Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics in dentistry, is the name given to the process of removing the damaged or infected part of the tooth, completely disinfecting the tooth and closing it with a filling again. The part located inside the tooth, called the pulp, looks like the soft core of tooth enamel. If the tooth is shattered or cracked due to any trauma, harmful bacteria enter the pulp and multiply in the relevant section and cause pain.
If the bacteria in the pulp are not cleaned and the tooth is not completely disinfected, serious infections and dental abscesses occur, and tooth loss becomes inevitable as the pulp dies. Therefore, performing root canal treatment on the tooth ensures that the cracked or decayed tooth is saved before it falls out.
Situations where root canal treatment must be performed are when there is deep decay in the teeth and cracks in the dental bone. If dentists decide during the examination that the tooth cannot be healed with a filling, the pulp part of the damaged tooth is removed to prevent further bacteria from forming in the area. Therefore, root canal treatment plays an important role in preventing tooth loss and keeps the bone structure of the tooth in place.
In addition, the conditions in which root canal treatment must be applied include facial and neck swelling, tooth sensitivity, difficulty in chewing and biting, wound formation in the gums, cracked teeth, swelling in the gums, tooth glare, deep caries and darkened gums. If you encounter such symptoms, it is beneficial to see your dentist.
Nowadays, most people who want to save their teeth from falling out are also wondering how to perform root canal treatment. At this point, the main purpose of root canal treatment is known as the elimination of decay and infection. For this reason, an effortless procedure that takes one or two sessions is performed to return the tooth to its former function.
Before starting root canal treatment, the dentist takes an x-ray to see the root and detect signs of infection. In this way, the current condition of the tooth is evaluated and it is determined how the root canal treatment should be performed. If the damage to the dental pulp is severe, root canal treatment is started.
After the initial examination, local anesthesia is applied and in the first step, the pulp located on the inside of the tooth is removed. By removing the pulp, the dentist determines how long and how the procedure to be performed on the root will take. By choosing appropriate apparatus, root canals are renewed and completely disinfected. After the procedure, which takes 45 minutes, two x-rays are taken with the necessary procedures. If the dentist examines the x-ray and is sure that the procedure is successful, the area is closed with a permanent material.
The area, together with the temporary material in the removed pulp area, is left to heal for 4 to 5 days. The open area in the area is then closed with a temporary filling. In the next session, the patient’s temporary filling is removed and a permanent filling is placed in its place. In this way, all leaks that may go to the root part are prevented.
Issues to be considered after root canal treatment are of great importance. At this point, the nerves are removed along with the inflamed pulp area from the root canal treatment. For this reason, it is not possible for the dental area to be affected by stimuli. However, during the healing period of the area after the procedure, tooth sensitivity or mild pain may occur due to inflammation. In this case, using painkillers prescribed by the doctor would be a good solution.
Experts state that patients should not eat anything for at least three hours after root canal treatment. This period is usually the same as the time it takes for the tooth to become numb. In addition, it is also very important to have regular oral and dental health care after the treatment. Patients who comply with all the rules will be able to use root canal treatments for life.
In addition, sugary foods that can cause tooth decay should be consumed to a minimum. Otherwise, the pulp parts will fill with bacteria again and root canal treatment will be necessary. In addition, for dental cleaning, teeth should be brushed at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and cleaning should be completed with dental floss after brushing. In addition, it is worth noting that you should go for a dental examination at least twice a year to keep your teeth healthy.
Saving natural teeth is always considered the best treatment option. Natural teeth can stay healthy with proper nutrition and regular oral care. For this reason, the best alternative to root canal treatment is to save teeth with proper nutrition and oral care.
At this point, alternatives to root canal treatment are shown by dentists as bridges, implants or removable partial dentures. However, some of these methods will cause teeth to be extracted, while others will cause the pain not to go away. For this reason, it is beneficial to consult your dentist to learn the best alternatives to root canal treatment to save your teeth.
As Hedef Dental Clinic, we serve you with up-to-date and technological equipment and our expert staff.
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